Welcome to the Royal Naval Tot Club of Antigua & Barbuda
Latest Updates
Tot Club Charity - see News
Pickle Night, Dartmouth - see Members Submissions
Trafalgar Night 2018 - see News
Fellow Tourists - A Fun Evening! - see News
Assault continues on Dow Hill Fort - see News
RNVR Yacht Club Caribbean Rally - see News
RFA Mounts Bay - see News
More Keep fit successes - see News
Keep Fit on Tour - see News
First Keep Fit for 2018 - see News
Chairman’s Birthday Party - see News
Trafalgar Dinner, Antigua - see News
Trafalgar Dinner, Dartmouth - see News
Dominica Fund Raiser - see News
Portsmouth Chapter Tot - see News
In Memory of Bernard Turner - see News
Terry & Connie’s 59th Wedding Anniversary - see News
Exeter Rum Fest - see News
Caption Competition - see News
Tot Club Member receives Lion of the Year Award - see News
Chairman’s last Tot on his U.K. Tour - see News
Tot on HMS Trincomalee - see News

HMS Victory

Vice-admiral Horatio Lord Nelson

Nelson’s Dockyard, Antigua

The only working Georgian dockyard in the world
Aims of the Royal Naval Tot Club of Antigua & Barbuda
- To signal the nominal end of the working day at 1800 hours local time by a gathering of like-minded individuals who make up the membership.
- To carry on the revered tradition, sadly ended in 1970, by consuming a half gill of the nearest equivalent to the rum which was issued to the Royal Navy (i.e. Pusser’s Blue Label).
- To confirm daily allegiance to and/or respect for the Crown by proposing the Loyal Toast to His Majesty, the King.
- To provide Royal Navy warships with marine based leisure activities and organise entertainment for the crew in the Nelson's Dockyard area.
- To promote and foster friendship and goodwill in the English Harbour and Falmouth Harbour areas through entertainment and social services.
The Royal Naval Tot Club of Antigua & Barbuda was formed in 1991 by a small group of ‘like minded people’ who met at the end of the working day to toast the late Queen and reinstate the Royal Navy’s tradition of a daily tot of rum which had been discontinued in 1970.
Very soon, others began to join the ‘circle’ and the Royal Naval Tot Club of Antigua & Barbuda developed into an organisation recognised not only in Antigua but worldwide. The Tot Club formalised itself by writing some rules known as Standard Operating Procedures. It is only possible to join the Tot Club in Antigua and well over 500 have joined to date. An aspiring member has to be invited to join by an existing member and pass though a joining routine which includes a test on Royal Navy history.
The Tot Club meets at 6 pm each evening when guests may be introduced, announcements made relating to points of interest and a reading from Royal Navy history pertinent to that day. The reading is followed by a toast which is different for each day of the week, however, all toasts end with the words ‘…and the King, God Bless Him’.
Once established, the Tot Club set itself various aims which include welcoming yachtsmen and women to English and Falmouth Harbours, fostering good relations within the community and entertaining members of His Majesty’s warships when they visit Antigua. In 2008, the Tot Club had the honour of hosting HRH Prince William to lunch when he was a serving officer in HMS Iron Duke. Many prominent people are members of the Tot Club such as the former commanding officer of HMS Ark Royal, commodores of famous yacht clubs such as the Royal Ocean Racing Club and many other renowned sailing personalities.
Generally once a year, an official Tot is held in the U.K. at some prominent venue. Past venues have been, HMS Ark Royal, the Greenwich Observatory, HMS Belfast and the Tower of London. HMS Victory joined the list in September 2012. The U.K. Tots give an opportunity for members to meet who are not able to visit Antigua. A Tot on Tour can be legally held anywhere in the world and recorded as an 'official' Tot so long as there is one Full Member and at least three ordinary Members present. Informal Tots are often held by members in differing locations. One Associate Member from the U.S. requested that an 'official' Tot be recorded because he and another Member were accompanied by two Canada geese which had been named after two Full Members of the Tot Club. His request was denied.
Occasionally, Members are subject to a Court Martial for any manner of misdeeds which may range from the abuse of alcohol to failure to bring pork pies when returning from the U.K.. A Member subject to a Court Martial is guilty until proven guilty and, although an attorney may be employed by the defendant, the attorney could himself be subject to a Court Martial if he puts up too vigorous a defence. A good defence attorney will ensure his client receives a sentence greater than that proposed by the Court. Penalties vary from being forced to drive a couple of miles, windows closed and air conditioning off, with one of the local tramps as a passenger to being hanged from a tree in Nelson’s Dockyard and pelted with rotten fruit and eggs.
Unique to the Tot Club is its White Ensign burgee. The White Ensign is very jealously guarded by the Royal Yacht Squadron as the only club in the world whose members are permitted to wear the Royal Navy’s White Ensign. The Tot Club obtained consent from the Admiralty to incorporate the pre-1801 White Ensign into its burgee and it is proudly flown from members’ yachts. The Tot Club also obtained permission to hoist the White Ensign in Nelson’s Dockyard on special days such as the King’s birthday and anniversaries of famous British naval successes such as the Battle of Trafalgar. The Flagstaff in Nelson’s Dockyard was restored by the Royal Naval Tot Club and has subsequently been restored again by Antigua's National Parks.
The Tot Club is not only a social club, it also does good works within Antigua including donating funds to worthy causes and keeping clear the walking trails through the National Parks. These forays into the National Park are known as the ‘Tot Club Keep Fit Class’ and their motto is ‘Destroying Nature to Preserve History’. During the Classic Yacht Regatta, the Tot Club directs the Parade of Sail and often involves itself in other activities such as Sailing Week. Several years ago, a U.K. magazine listed the Tot Club as the world’s second most prestigious yacht club.