Tot Club News
Tot Club Charity
Sailability Antigua recently hosted a Regatta and Disabled Sailing Workshop in conjunction with World Sailing. Twenty specialist Hansa boats were shipped in by container and it was an amazing sight to see disabled and able bodied kids sailing together, often in the same boat. The racing was terrific to watch. At the end, Bob Bailey managed to retain four of the Hansa 303’s at cost price (but unfunded), each to be used in the Sailability program in Antigua, which hosts over 100 children a week.
The Tot Club pledged to fund 50% of one of the boats, if the other 50% could be raised by Tot Club Member donations. Thanks to the generosity of many of our members “on island” at present, and two couples who weren’t but heard about it by the Tot Club jungle drums, this was achieved in just 10 days! The cheque for EC$9,720 (US$3,600) was presented to Bob & Sue Bailey and Maureen Glover of Sailability Antigua at the Friday Tot on February 7th 2019 at the Copper & Lumber Store Hotel.
The boat will be named ‘Up Spirits’.
Sincere thanks to all the members and guests that made this possible (names in order of surname):
Andrew & Caroline Bellamy, Sally Belmont, Peter & Nicky Bovey , Bill Chambers, Mark & Amanda Clinch, Bill Dunn, Mervyn & Amanda Gutteridge, Tom Hollway, Andy Hatton (Hotspot Café), Joe Karpinski, Graeme Knott, Roy Kum, Jonty & Vicki Layfield, Jonathan Lyne, Richard & Denette Matthews, “Des” & Carole O'Connor, Sandy Perkins, Peter Ralls, Mike Rose & Anne Morcom, Willy Wanklyn, Richard & Di Watson, and Moya Williams
Trafalgar Night 2018
Chris Thom has kindly sent in some photos from Trafalgar Night preparations and dinner; thanks Thom!
Fellow Tourists - A Fun Evening!
On 15 August 2018, the Rum Bosun announced that the uniform for the Tot the next day would be Tourist Dress; the Members joined in this frivolity and came looking like they had just walked off a cruise ship.
Tot Club Keep Fit continues the assault on Dow Hill Fort
contributions by Mike Rose, Malcolm Harvey and Anthea Beck
Members of the TOT were invited to take a tour of the ship on the Friday. She had been in the Caribbean since the hurricanes late last year and has been bringing relief to some of the more severely damaged islands.
Mounts Bay is a member of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and was designed to transport troops, vehicles, store and equipment around the world. She was built by BAE systems on the Clyde and has been in service since 2006. She is one of four LSD (Landing Ships Dock) craft in service.
After a presentation in the briefing room Tot Club members were taken on a fascinating and informative tour of the ship by Jonathan Church, Mounts Bay’s Operations Officer.
As a sealift ship, Mounts Bay is capable of carrying up to 24 Challenger tanks or 150 light trucks. The cargo capacity is equivalent of 200 tons of ammunition, or 24 Twenty-foot equivalent unit containers. During normal conditions, she can carry 356 soldiers, but this can be almost doubled to 700 in overload conditions. Her helicopter was not on board at the time of our visit, but the flight deck is capable of handling helicopters up to the size of Chinooks, a very impressive vessel.
It was fascinating to learn how our Fleet Auxiliary can very rapidly deploy to get an island’s infrastructure functioning again.
By way of thanks Captain David Buck, Stephen Norris, Jonathan Church and other members of Mount Bay’s crew were invited to attend that evening’s TOT at the Copper and Lumber. Mike Rose was presented with a framed picture of Mounts Bay and in return Mike gave Captain Norris a TOT Club wall plaque for the mess. Tot Club members present: Arnold Baird; David Ball; Anthea Beck; Peter Bovey; Nicky Bovey; Terry Bowen; Ian Brayley; Peter Carey; Trudie Cardone; Zoë Carlton; Mike Critchley; Bill Dunn; Greg Evans; Richard Fear; Mervyn Gutteridge; Malcolm Harvey; Tom Hollway; Kathleen Hugessen; Andy Jeffrey; Joe Karpinski; Anita Little; “Tiny” Little; Trevor Marston; Steve Martin; Des Meehan; “Des” O’Connor; Mike Rose; Rob Stevens; Les Steward; Mark Sturton; Willie Wanklyn and Richard Watson.
Mounts Bay is likely to be stationed in the Caribbean for the next three years, so there may be further opportunity for members to be taken on tours.

Fabulous party. The two fishes and three loaves (posing as curry and spaghetti Bolognese) fed the multitude — all washed down with top-of-the-barrel rums. A rainy night to remember. To use his word, “Brills!” Or even, “Proper job!” “Standards” exceeded

I am thinking that the chairman has spotted an interloper and means to see him off. "I see you, you bastard"
submitted by Willy Wanklyn who will have to collect his rum on his next visit to Antigua from Canada
Other captions, in no particular order, were:-
Who’s tonight’s Rum Bosun? - That guest does not have a full tot!!
I've found a Willing Foe, but I need some Sea Room!
Who needs a sickly season when you can have a bloody good war!
Watch out for the press Gang!
Ho ho ho and a bottle of Rum
It’s like herding my five dogs. I called, “Up Spirits!” five minutes ago. Standards. Standards.
Oh! what happened to my head Last Night?
I know they don't like it up em, but they're still going to get it
Where's the orchestra then? I'll give him rhythm stick
Morris Dancers beginners session!
It's about to be a bad day for the French!
Bugger the sea room, I’m coming on the inside.
The head shaving took place on Wednesday 4th October and a total of EC$5,256.50 was raised in either pledges or cash. By Friday, all pledges were collected except for a few who will be visiting mainly from the US in the next couple of weeks. The Tot Club covered the pledges which are yet to be paid and Peter Carey and John Duffy went shopping for supplies.
A conversation with the head of the Dominica Marine Association led to a concentration on tarpaulins, hammers, crowbars and nails from the Builder’s Merchants in Tyrrolls who gave a 30% discount with a total net spend of EC$2,438.63
A visit to nearby Bargain Centre where the manager offered a discount of goods purchased led to four supermarket trolleys of assorted foodstuffs mainly comprising tinned foods with either ring pull lids or key opening mechanisms, dried foods, powdered milk, sugar, etc. and despite best efforts, only EC$1,619.42 was spent leaving a balance of EC$1,198.45 to be allocated for further supplies with a thought to ordering portable water purification systems.
A boat leaving Jolly Harbour for Dominica on Sunday 8th October will be taking all the supplies. It is anticipated that there will be a few more donations to add to the balance and the money will be used in time for the next boat to leave for Dominica.

Mark Boswell, Terry Bowen, Ian & (Helen) Brayley, Mike Briggs, Paul & Jean Cambridge, Geoff Croft, John Cusick, Martin Dempsey, John Duffy, Lindsay Duffy, Zoe Carlton/Richard Fear, Nick Fletcher, Martin & (Kate) Freeman, Will Howatson, Pete Ives, Joe Karpinsky, Rob & Lucinda Mclean, David Medlock, Jolyon Mehannick, Anne Morcom, Peter Mullins, David Parson, Sandy Perkins, Mike Rose, Anthea Beck/Les Stewart, Chris Thom, Willy Wanklyn, Richard Watson, Moya Williams.
and from non-Members - Janie Easton, Kerry Gordon-Jones, Cap Green, Andy Hatton, Phil Hopton.
AND, if you are really bored, you can watch the full live action on 3 YouTube videos - Click here - Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

We were delighted to welcome both Portsmouth sailing Club’s Commodore, Sarah Mantell, and Rear Commodore David Price (also CO of HMS Bristol) , along with other PSC members and guests to join us for both the Tot, and the mismuster to celebrate Nelson’s birthday. The occasion was also used to raise support in aid of the ABSAR Barbuda Relief Fund following the devastation caused by Hurricane Irma with £270 being donated during the evening.
To express our thanks to Portsmouth Sailing Club for hosing us, and such a warm welcome, Chris Smith presented a RNTCAB Crest to the Portsmouth SC which was graciously received by the Commodore, Sarah Mantell, who, in return, presented the Tot Club with a PSC Burgee and extended an invitation for us to return.
In best Tot Club tradition we also managed to boost the bar take by drinking the sailing club dry. Proper Job!
Present were: Chris Smith, Dan Connor, Anthea Connor, Jane Santy, Wiggy Bennett, Ken Neilsen, Mags Neilsen, Chuck Norris, Anthea Beck, Les Steward, Dick Flack, Clarissa Flack, Carl Nolan, Tracey Boardman, Peter Garratt, Sue Cassidy-Burgin, Rob Bissell, Clive Eggington, Sarah Mantell, David Price,Heather Jackson, Mark Fisher, Richard Horne, Robin Younger, Jo , John Shaw

Report by Christine Webster, photo by Mike Beggs

photos by Tim DeGavre

First caption received -
"I'm collecting subs!"
To enter your caption click here

I've found a Willing Foe, but I need some Sea Room!
Watch out for the press Gang!

by Derek 'Wiggy' Bennett
The event was held a Portsmouth Sailing Club and hastily arranged by Chris Smith, even at short notice it was well attended, (plus the Pork Pies), those taking part: Chuck Norris, Chris Smith, Chris & Vickie Rogers, Stephen & Angela Parry, Mike Critchley and Andy Jeffrey plus guests Ken & Mags Neilson, Phil Jones, Doc Cunningham, Nigel Rees and V/Adm John McAnally CB LVO. Oh! and me Wiggy... The Obligatory missmuster was held... Cos we can...
We'd like thank the PSC for making it a lovely evening and allowing us to Fly the rather large RNTCAB burgee.
The photo with the Three, Chuck, Mike and Ken was taken as these two were on HMS Liverpool and joined the Tot during emergency relief for Montserrat...

HMS Trincomalee is currently the world's oldest warship afloat. She was built of Malabar teak in 1817 as a 46-gun, fifth rate, Leda Class frigate. Following a period "in ordinary" after her build she undertook two commissions in the mid-19th century which included anti-slavery patrols, charting, oceanography, hydrographic survey work and promoting British trade interests overseas. Following the advent of steam ships she became an RNR drill ship and subsequently spent much of the 20th century in private hands as TS Foudroyant.
Under the Chairmanship of Captain David Smith, father of Tot Club member Chris Smith, the Foudroyant Trust returned the ship to Hartlepool in 1987 and raised over £10.5m to fund a 10+ year programme to restore her to her second commission configuration of 1852. At the same time her name was changed back to her original HMS Trincomalee.
At the time of the ship's restoration the Tees-side Development Corporation carried out an impressive re-development of the quayside surrounding Jackson Dock. The result is an excellent group of buildings in the Georgian style containing high quality displays of life at sea and ashore in the Nelsonian era. Tot Club members enjoyed touring this historic quayside area before mustering for a tour of the ship and, at 18:00, the Tot in sunshine on the main deck. In a break with tradition Chris Smith read his account of the ship's history in place of the RN Day by Day reading. This proved to be a very fitting tribute to the ship and the part played by his father in her restoration. This was followed by a dinner ashore in the dockside Sir William Gray Suite from which HMS Trincomalee could be seen in all her splendour in the evening sun. Throughout the procedings a No.4-sized RNTCAB pennant, courtesy of Chris Smith, flew from the mizzen gaff of the ship as can be seen in some of the accompanying photos.
Members attending were: Mike Rose, John Watson, Steve & Debbie Johnson, Richard & Denette Matthews, Anthea Beck, Les Steward, Peter Keesom, Bob Temple, Tom Hollway, Ken Morgan, Joe Karpinski, Christine Webster, Adrian Hartley, Chris Smith, Mike Beggs, David Beverley, Melissa O'Brien, Sharon Quinn, Alasdair & Gill MacLean, Peter & Nicky Bovey, William Wanklyn, Kathleen Hugessen, Peter Garrett, John Denby.
NOTE FROM ONE OF OUR AMERICAN MEMBERS - The USS Constitution (44) was laid down in 1 November 1794 and launched 21 October 1797 and is currently afloat in Boston Harbour.
The USS Constellation (38) was launched in 7 September 1797 and while it went through a significant rebuild in 1853-4, it was never struck from the navy list. It is currently afloat in Baltimore's inner harbour.
So, I think the Trincomalle is more accurately the world's 3rd oldest warship afloat.